Does your church close the office doors during federal holidays? We just celebrated Fourth of July. It just happened to be on a Monday. Through all the excitement of a three day weekend, fireworks and pool parties, some churches were still open for regular business. All of us at Reach Consulting? We …
You Decide Your Church Culture
Culture is one of those words that is thrown around often but if you asked someone to describe it, they would have a hard time giving a solid definition. It is a feeling about an organization. It is the way it functions. It is the dress code. A solid definition of culture is culture is a system of …
A Major Change in Church Staffing
Society changes. We believe the Church needs to change with it. Not in its doctrine or core values, but in how it functions in order to keep reaching the ever-changing target. Have you ever had your team decide on doing a special event or launch a new initiative only to find out you didn't have the …