Leadership is about so much more than producing the numbers. Although it is about that too. Leadership is about developing those you lead to become as good, if not better, than you. It allows you to find the strengths of your employees and leverage it so they can become the best they can be and so …
Make it Easy: Local Outreach Events
The long and forgotten block party. I know that some neighborhoods are still extremely friendly and do block parties, but this is no longer the norm in our society. I watch my neighbors pull into their garages and close the garage before they get out. My neighborhood can’t be the only one where this …
Held to a Higher Standard
It is hard being a leader in a church. You are supposed to put on the perfect face with the perfect life. Or so that’s the lie that Satan wants you to believe. You work long hours. You may not have a good support system. You may not know how to lead well to begin with. According to the Bible, none …